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Spring Outing

  I wonder, and wonder, the east wind comes. The spring is coming! On 11st March, Fronter Electronics organized a spring outing activity. Employees had chit-chat and played games on the grass, the atmosphere was quite relaxed and pleasant.   盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。 3月11日,我司组织了一场员工户外春游活动。…

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Happy Women’s day!

As the International Women's Day is coming, Fronter Electronics congratulates the holidays and good blessings to all beautys around the world! Happy Women's day! 在“三八”国际劳动妇女节即将来临之际,福浪电子向全球的女性同胞们致以节日的祝贺和美好的祝福!妇女节快乐!Fronter Electronics Co., Ltd.深圳市福浪电子有限公司

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5G Coming

The 5th generation mobile networks, also known as 5G.  It has become a hot topic of discussion in recent years. Internet speed is as fast as one second to download a high-definition movie. No longer need to wait for buffering…

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electronica 2018

The 5th generation mobile networks, also known as 5G. It has become a hot topic of discussion in recent years. Internet speed is as fast as one second to download a The 5th generation mobile networks, also known as 5G.…

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